Some systems are experiencing issues

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Stickied Incidents

Friday 27th September 2024

myLoc Datacenter (DUS) Unavailability due to upstream maintenance

Due to upstream maintenance, an important host system is unavailable. All websites and internal services cannot be reached.

We are waiting for the upstream contact.

  • The maintenance work has already been officially completed. However, there are still problems with individual packages to our routers, which is causing connection problems.

    Everything necessary has been done on our side, we have opened a ticket with our upstream and asked for it to be fixed. We have not yet received a response.

    In order to keep important services available, we will geo-mirror our cluster - this means that all relevant services for e.g. critical infrastructure, important company tools etc. will be routed via several locations to ensure better availability. We will migrate our public services with the geo-cluster in the near future.

    Response from upstream is pending.

  • Apparently a port was deactivated. In the meantime, availability has been restored, but we are still receiving messages from our monitoring system.

    All incidents have now been switched to performance issues until we can consider the problem resolved. Until then, we will continue to monitor our infrastructure.

  • Maintenance
    Maintenance work on the upstream

    Our upstream provider will be carrying out maintenance work on the network infrastructure from 24/09 to 30/09/2024. New 100G upgrades, hardware replacements and other necessary changes will be carried out.

    There should be no disruption to the network infrastructure over the entire period, although we cannot completely rule out BGP flaps.

    We will be in touch if there are any further issues.

    Past Incidents

    Thursday 25th October 2007

    No incidents reported

    Wednesday 24th October 2007

    No incidents reported

    Tuesday 23rd October 2007

    No incidents reported

    Monday 22nd October 2007

    No incidents reported

    Sunday 21st October 2007

    No incidents reported

    Saturday 20th October 2007

    No incidents reported

    Friday 19th October 2007

    No incidents reported

    Thursday 18th October 2007

    No incidents reported

    Wednesday 17th October 2007

    No incidents reported

    Tuesday 16th October 2007

    No incidents reported

    Monday 15th October 2007

    No incidents reported

    Sunday 14th October 2007

    No incidents reported

    Saturday 13th October 2007

    No incidents reported

    Friday 12th October 2007

    No incidents reported

    Thursday 11th October 2007

    No incidents reported

    Wednesday 10th October 2007

    No incidents reported

    Tuesday 9th October 2007

    No incidents reported

    Monday 8th October 2007

    No incidents reported

    Sunday 7th October 2007

    No incidents reported

    Saturday 6th October 2007

    No incidents reported

    Friday 5th October 2007

    No incidents reported

    Thursday 4th October 2007

    No incidents reported

    Wednesday 3rd October 2007

    No incidents reported

    Tuesday 2nd October 2007

    No incidents reported

    Monday 1st October 2007

    No incidents reported

    Sunday 30th September 2007

    No incidents reported

    Saturday 29th September 2007

    No incidents reported

    Friday 28th September 2007

    No incidents reported

    Thursday 27th September 2007

    No incidents reported

    Wednesday 26th September 2007

    No incidents reported

    Tuesday 25th September 2007

    No incidents reported

    Monday 24th September 2007

    No incidents reported

    Sunday 23rd September 2007

    No incidents reported

    Saturday 22nd September 2007

    No incidents reported

    Friday 21st September 2007

    No incidents reported

    Thursday 20th September 2007

    No incidents reported

    Wednesday 19th September 2007

    No incidents reported

    Tuesday 18th September 2007

    No incidents reported

    Monday 17th September 2007

    No incidents reported

    Sunday 16th September 2007

    No incidents reported

    Saturday 15th September 2007

    No incidents reported

    Friday 14th September 2007

    No incidents reported

    Thursday 13th September 2007

    No incidents reported

    Wednesday 12th September 2007

    No incidents reported

    Tuesday 11th September 2007

    No incidents reported

    Monday 10th September 2007

    No incidents reported

    Sunday 9th September 2007

    No incidents reported

    Saturday 8th September 2007

    No incidents reported

    Friday 7th September 2007

    No incidents reported

    Thursday 6th September 2007

    No incidents reported

    Wednesday 5th September 2007

    No incidents reported

    Tuesday 4th September 2007

    No incidents reported

    Monday 3rd September 2007

    No incidents reported

    Sunday 2nd September 2007

    No incidents reported

    Saturday 1st September 2007

    No incidents reported

    Friday 31st August 2007

    No incidents reported

    Thursday 30th August 2007

    No incidents reported

    Wednesday 29th August 2007

    No incidents reported

    Tuesday 28th August 2007

    No incidents reported

    Monday 27th August 2007

    No incidents reported