Complete failure of our infrastructure in the SkyLink Monday 5th December 2022 16:39

We have detected a failure. We do not have any further information.

However, contact has already been made with the ISP.

All services run optionally.

Current bills for the month: November 2022 must be regenerated by us. In addition, current account balances are incorrect, this will be synchronised with the accounting software after running our cron job.

The Reseller API will also be available again shortly. Some small details will be revised at the same time so that we can publish a new version directly.

There are currently two other errors on the homepage that are connected to our database. These will be fixed within the next few days, as they do not have a high priority.

The partner interface will receive a minimalist update from the backend at the same time, regarding invoices and TeamSpeak billing. No change to be seen at this point.

There was an outage that hit our entire web infrastructure as well as our database host.

We have already moved a large part of our web infrastructure to AWS in Frankfurt. We have now set up our database host redundantly.

The partner interface is available again. However, we are missing some database entries, which we are currently reconstructing with the help of our backups and accounting software. Our homepage is also accessible again; the error was in the database connection. In the meantime, we have been able to stabilise this again. Unfortunately, some database entries are missing here as well, but most of them are already available.

We will take further measures to prevent or minimise such an incident in the future. Further observations will be made and carried out.