Unavailability of our upstream provider Friday 28th June 2024 20:55

We have just experienced a complete outage of our infrastructure, apparently caused by our upstream provider.

As our BGP VMs are also unavailable.

We have now made further observations and found some small things that we still need to adjust. We are not talking about urgency here.

In the meantime, we have tried to make further adjustments at intervals of around 24 hours to enable future improvements in the event of core router failures at the switch between all core routers.

The incident is now completely closed for the time being. We will update further adjustments and configurations in further 24-hour intervals (usually 02:00 to 03:00).

The last 48 hours look much better compared to the days before. We only noticed one timeout on 30.06.24 at 12:12, which didn't last a minute.

It seems that all our configurations are now correct and running 100%, thanks also to our upstream who provided us with a session on newer hardware. However, we will continue to monitor for another 72 hours so that we can react to any problems within a few minutes and be on the safe side.

We have just completed our maintenance work for the implementation of VRRP.

In addition, a BGP session was moved to our upstream on a new router. We continue to keep our network under 24/7 observation in order to be able to react directly in the event of further outages, timeouts or other problems. We are working intensively on this issue in collaboration with our upstream in order to resolve past problems.

The problem is due to a faulty fuse on the switch. All traffic was redirected via DUS7 (myLoc) in order to ensure the continued availability of the network.

In this case, as well as the timeouts, we will continue to wait 24 hours until our maintenance appointment tomorrow (Saturday) and monitor it extremely closely. If our network does not stabilize within the next seven days from tomorrow and cannot be operated without timeouts, we will consider other solutions for the operation of our infrastructure and, if necessary, put a new location into operation or relocate.

Maintenance details at: https://status.schleyer-edv.de/#scheduled-26